August 27, 2021

Seven Things I’ve Learned From Doing Over 100 1-2-1s

At the start of the year I had the absolute pleasure of connecting with many of you for a fitness 1-2-1. While every 1-2-1 has been different (they’ve ranged from specific scientific discussions to mapping out goals), there have been some common themes AND some major learning points for me too.

My hope for everyone who did one, that you have found it useful, and effective. Not just in the moment, but in the days and weeks following, and hopefully it will help you to have a successful 2021.

Here’s some of what I’ve learned!


Talking out loud about something helps you work through it, solve problems and figure out a solution.


The world is a challenging place right now - we all have competing demands but taking some time to exercise is not being selfish, it is not neglecting other things. It is an important piece of self care. Remember, don’t light yourself on fire just to keep others warm!


The secret to success might just be as simple as figuring out how to break your dream down into small chunks - a workout doesn’t have to be 50 minutes long for example, it can be 5 blocks of 10 minutes


We all work hard at the things we commit to, it’s nice when we’re praised for our efforts!


We all too often forget the good stuff we’re doing, and instead focus on what’s not going well. The person who has made some great food choices, has made walking a regular habit and managed to get 30 minutes more sleep THEN beats themselves up for only doing 1 workout, when they were aiming for 3. Remember to acknowledge the POSITIVES as well as reviewing what you’d like to do better.


Starting something is the hardest bit. We all need to focus on the first step, before we think about the 10th or the 100th.


My workouts, nutrition, lifestyle, sleep habits have ranged from great to err.., well, pretty poor (Lindt truffles for breakfast anyone?) and I often face many of the same challenges you do. Taking the time to talk about it has helped me figure out steps forward too.

My primary aim was to make those 1-2-1s as good as possible for you. But a side effect has been they have ENERGISED me! Your thoughts, comments, feedback has helped shape ideas and projects we’re working on plus impact how we coach you right now. So thank you. :)

Wherever you’re at now, reach out to a coach, a friend, a colleague and have a chat. It’s good to talk!

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Seven Things I’ve Learned From Doing Over 100 1-2-1s

Wherever you’re at now, reach out to a coach, a friend, a colleague and have a chat. It’s good to talk!