“2024 continues to challenge us, but we believe that more than ever, exercise, a safe place to go, and a community of people who genuinely care is important.”
In 2012, before RESULTS was a real place that you could visit and workout, we wrote down everything we knew about gyms and realised that:
In 2014 we delivered over 5000 workouts. The more we worked with people the more we saw the impact exercise and support could have.
While we expanded to new sites, we continually worked to improve how we did things. We tried new ideas (some worked, and some didn’t!). We worked with several sports teams at European and World championships. Alongside all this, we did other important work such as one of our coaches being part of the Physical Activity Expert Group at the Department of Health, advising on physical activity guidelines for children, adult and pregnant women and how to communicate these guidelines.
When we say we love, live and are passionate about exercise, workouts and helping people achieve their goals, we really mean it!
By 2019 we’d delivered over 40,000 sessions in one year, and passed the 100,000 workout milestone (that's a lot of squats and press ups!)
Despite the challenges of lockdown, closed gyms and everything else going on, we have carried on working. We realise that during a crisis, health and fitness are more important than ever. It keeps us going, it gives us energy and helps to look after our mental health.
Our aim has been simple - to be there for everyone at RESULTS, be that for a workout or a cup of tea and a chat on Zoom. Our workout plans have been spread further afield helping member’s relatives, colleagues and friends. We have been asked to support people suddenly working from home, and stuck inside without access to their gym, which is not only a place to workout, but a place to relax and practice self care.
While the how changed, the reason to exercise didn’t - we do it because it helps us stay healthy, happy and enjoy life.
During the pandemic we released over 1000 workout videos, conducted hundreds of Zoom workouts, and launched The RESULTS Show, a Q&A podcast which has answered over 150 fitness questions. We also performed another hundred goal setting and problem solving 1-2-1s and generally tried our very best to look after people during an incredibly busy and stressful time.
2024 continues to challenge us, but we believe that more than ever, exercise, a safe place to go, and a community of people who genuinely care, is important.
Whoever you are, and wherever you read this we hope that you are enjoying your exercise. We hope it’s a productive, fulfilling part of your life.
If we can help you take steps forward, achieve a new goal or simply find your exercise spark again then please reach out to us. We hope to see you in our Didsbury gym soon!