May 27, 2021

A Reminder On The Importance Of Sleep

We all know how it feels after a run of poor sleep - we can feel tired, irritable, a lack of motivation, we crave certain foods and our will power deserts us.

Sleep is one of, if not THE most important things to consider when it comes to avoiding the drop.

If you get enough sleep, and that sleep is good quality, then lots of things can happen without too much friction.

Enough motivation to workout - CHECK

Willpower needed to push through and complete a tough session - CHECK

Smart nutritious choices when it comes to food - CHECK

Sleep really is vital.

It’s easy to get distracted with the minute details when it comes to sleep - when actually it’s simple - prioritise it and aim to get 7-9 hours of undisturbed, high quality sleep. Simple yes, easy no!

Here are some ideas to help you to achieve this.

  • What you do in the two hours before sleep determines how well you sleep. If you stay up later, using screens until right before bed, then don’t expect to have a great night’s kip
  • Regular sleep and wake up times help teach your body when to sleep
  • A cool dark room is preferred for deep sleep
  • A pre-bed routine helps you to wind down and signals to your mind that it’s time to sleep. Stretching, reading, meditating are all useful tools yet many of us decide to leave them in the toolbox.
  • You can’t pay back sleep debt. If you consistently get less than 7 hours then you are impairing your mind and body. Sorry, but we all need to understand this.
  • Working shifts, kids and other important issues in your life affect sleep but it’s vital you figure out the best ways possible to optimise it as it helps you to thrive.
  • Sleep is important for learning, memory, creativity, health and so many other things.

We really shouldn’t forget this.

Now get some rest!

I end every discussion about sleep with a recommendation for this book → Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker. It’s a book I re-read every year because it’s THAT important.

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